Radiohead meets Animal Collective meets any number of anthemic nineties
alternative acts on Kill Murray's latest EP of sturdy electro-pop, Microscopic Feel.
Singer Gus Rogers sighs and falsettos like Thom Yorke while the band
ploughs through a handful of synth-rock anthems that are tastefully put
together, if sometimes a little out of whack on the style-to-substance
ratio, the electronic sheen giving an unnecessary air of modernity to
what are essentially quite traditional songs. In truth, the best moments
occur when Gus' songwriting returns to Dial F territory on songs like
"Hotel Zoo," if only because Kill Murray get back to sounding like four musicians playing together in a band rather than a
sequencer, strategically programmed. You can't fault the craftsmanship,
the performances or the production from a technical standpoint – the
drums in particular sound huge – but everything feels a bit too
metronomic and clean cut to make me feel much about it, microscopic or
[Originally published, in slightly editorially altered form, in Oxfordshire Music Magazine, issue 23, May 2013]
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